DJ Slyxx

Stockton, CA, United States

Update 2022!: Holy moly. Lots going on. COVID sucks but at the very least I am able to continue to work from home. I moved to Stockton, yo! Yeah I left the Yay Area for the good ole Central valley. Really it's just a matter of dollas stretch a lot further here than in San Jose.

So...the big question is what have I been doing. I'll tell you what...I have been taking my Ultimixes and adding video, yo! I'm uploading the videos to google drive and once I am done I'll add the links. I'm talking the original music videos overlayed to my least all I can find. All syncronized to the mix. What a challenge! I started this project with wanting to just have something on my TV playing while my mixes played so I started to collect music videos from various sources and then I was like...dammit...the perfectionist I am...I needed to sync the videos to the music. So I bought some video editing software and went to work. Not all the music I use has videos so I tried to be a little creative when I couldn't find a video. My plan is to take all my mixes and add videos to them. It's a huge time sync but I'm satisfied with the outcome. Video links are in the mix details, btw. that I'm done with the video stuff I'll divide my time between video and mixing. I need to finish Ultimix 7 and some other mixes that people have asked for. I think Ultimix 7 wil be the last of the series but I'm gonna make it huge! I need to go from BPM 120 to 140 ish! That's a lot of music! I'm in for the long haul though peeps.

A special note to all my followers and people who appreciate the effort...Thank you...seriously, from the bottom of my heart. I haven't abandoned anything. Just been busy. Love you guys! Peace!

Update 2020: Now that I'm settled in with work from home, I can concentrate on mixing again. My plan is to continue to work on the Ultimix series but a friend of mine requested a mix through the decades. So, I'll go through and choose like the top 50 or 60 songs from each decade and mix them starting with the 80's. An interesting project while I begin to wrap up Ultimix.

I'll also be going over some old mixes and "fixing" them. Everytime I listen to some of myold stuff I go "gah...that was a bad transition" or "the bass is off" or something. I've been meaning to go back and fix. Have to do the whole mix over again, but worth it. Anyhow...202 started off sucking butt, hopefully it gets better...go out and vote (those of us in the US), this may be the most important vote you rever took part in...probably in the history of the US. Biden 2020 (was all in for Bernie but...).

Update 2019: I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been busy with life and looking around for new music. Well not new music, but music that I love and fitting it in to mixes that exist. I'm going through and updating a lot of my old mixes on here. As I listen to these I start to think "do you know what would sound good here? <insert song> oh and while I'm thinking of that song <insert song> would go good with that, etc". Then, I go in and re-mix with that song and some others. If you find your favorite mix missing, look for an updated one.

Old school DJ. Used to spin a lot in high school back in the late 80's for parties and dances. Lost touch with it as life happened. Now getting back into it with digital hardware and software. I don't really do anything fancy, just try to smoothly blend my favorite tunes. I also believe in paying tribute to the artists by letting most songs play through and not cut them up after a few measures or verses. If you are looking for fast cuts, effects, tons of scratching, etc....I am not the DJ for you to listen to.

I specialize in old school, hip hop, funk, pop, R&B, throwbacks, etc. I dabble in techno, dub, trapp, and house. I really don't like a lot of the new "rap", mumble rap, banger stuff, but will mix it upon request

I'll try to release new mixes every few weeks as I get them done.

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Update 2022!: Holy moly. Lots going on. COVID sucks but at the very least I am able to continue to work from home. I moved to Stockton, yo! Yeah I left the Yay Area for the good ole Central valley. Really it's just a matter of dollas stretch a lot further here than in San Jose.

So...the big question is what have I been doing. I'll tell you what...I have been taking my Ultimixes and adding video, yo! I'm uploading the videos to google drive and once I am done I'll add the links. I'm talking the original music videos overlayed to my least all I can find. All syncronized to the mix. What a challenge! I started this project with wanting to just have something on my TV playing while my mixes played so I started to collect music videos from various sources and then I was like...dammit...the perfectionist I am...I needed to sync the videos to the music. So I bought some video editing software and went to work. Not all the music I use has videos so I tried to be a little creative when I couldn't find a video. My plan is to take all my mixes and add videos to them. It's a huge time sync but I'm satisfied with the outcome. Video links are in the mix details, btw. that I'm done with the video stuff I'll divide my time between video and mixing. I need to finish Ultimix 7 and some other mixes that people have asked for. I think Ultimix 7 wil be the last of the series but I'm gonna make it huge! I need to go from BPM 120 to 140 ish! That's a lot of music! I'm in for the long haul though peeps.

A special note to all my followers and people who appreciate the effort...Thank you...seriously, from the bottom of my heart. I haven't abandoned anything. Just been busy. Love you guys! Peace!

Update 2020: Now that I'm settled in with work from home, I can concentrate on mixing again. My plan is to continue to work on the Ultimix series but a friend of mine requested a mix through the decades. So, I'll go through and choose like the top 50 or 60 songs from each decade and mix them starting with the 80's. An interesting project while I begin to wrap up Ultimix.

I'll also be going over some old mixes and "fixing" them. Everytime I listen to some of myold stuff I go "gah...that was a bad transition" or "the bass is off" or something. I've been meaning to go back and fix. Have to do the whole mix over again, but worth it. Anyhow...202 started off sucking butt, hopefully it gets better...go out and vote (those of us in the US), this may be the most important vote you rever took part in...probably in the history of the US. Biden 2020 (was all in for Bernie but...).

Update 2019: I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been busy with life and looking around for new music. Well not new music, but music that I love and fitting it in to mixes that exist. I'm going through and updating a lot of my old mixes on here. As I listen to these I start to think "do you know what would sound good here? <insert song> oh and while I'm thinking of that song <insert song> would go good with that, etc". Then, I go in and re-mix with that song and some others. If you find your favorite mix missing, look for an updated one.

Old school DJ. Used to spin a lot in high school back in the late 80's for parties and dances. Lost touch with it as life happened. Now getting back into it with digital hardware and software. I don't really do anything fancy, just try to smoothly blend my favorite tunes. I also believe in paying tribute to the artists by letting most songs play through and not cut them up after a few measures or verses. If you are looking for fast cuts, effects, tons of scratching, etc....I am not the DJ for you to listen to.

I specialize in old school, hip hop, funk, pop, R&B, throwbacks, etc. I dabble in techno, dub, trapp, and house. I really don't like a lot of the new "rap", mumble rap, banger stuff, but will mix it upon request

I'll try to release new mixes every few weeks as I get them done.

Member since: 6 years


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